Rescue Team 2
Plate-forme : PC
Date de sortie : 25 Novembre 2011
Résumé | Images

Plate-forme : PC (PC)
Etat : Disponible
Date de sortie : 25 Novembre 2011

Genre : Action
Développeur :
Editeur :
Evaluation PEGI : 3
Jouable à plusieurs : Non
Support : Digital
Sauvegarde : Oui
Nombre de joueur : 1
Option Sonore : Dolby Digital
Textes Ecran : Anglais
Doublages : Anglais
Présentation de Rescue Team 2

When disaster strikes, the Rescue Team sweeps in to save the day! Take control of workers who respond when a devastating tornado leaves its mark on three all-new islands in this exhilarating time management adventure. Overcome earthquakes, rebuild hospitals and drill for oil to keep your vehicles running. Use strategy to figure out the quickest way to complete your goals, and then race against the clock to remove debris, repair bridges, put out fires, restore communications and save victims. Between levels, spend the money you earn on rebuilding your house. Easy to play and challenging to master, Rescue Team 2 proves you can't have too much of a good thing!

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