Raven tome 1 : Némésis
Plate-forme : Bande Dessinée
Date de sortie : 05 Juin 2020
Résumé | Test Complet | Images | Actualité
Jeux Expo : 8/10

Scénario et dessin : Mathieu Lauffray

Plate-forme : Bande Dessinée (BD)
Etat : Disponible
Date de sortie : 05 Juin 2020

Genre : Bande dessinée
Développeur :
Editeur : Dargaud
Jouable à plusieurs : Non
[2020-04-06 18:16:04]
Hey, I was checking out your website bd-expo.com and it_s quite obvious that you posses great knowledge and experience. You can turn that into a profitable online business.

Due to the situation with covid-19, and the immediate need for all professionals to create an online-based income, we decided to offer our Life Coaching Certification program: https://bit.ly/3bBGsLu

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This once-in-a-lifetime opportunity is exactly the jumpstart your business needs. You will be recognized locally and globally, and there will be no stopping your career's progress.

I_m giving you the chance to enjoy an unmatched 90% savings when you grab your very own Life Coach Certification Course through this special, personal reach out.
[2020-04-08 15:29:32]
Hey, we_re a marketing software company that usually works with marketing agencies, but due to the situation with covid-19, and the urgent need for businesses to generate income online, we decided to offer our platform to everyone.

Fan Page Robot will help you get more followers, and more revenue, in less time! Try it out yourself: https://bit.ly/2UHxiX4

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[2020-06-15 19:22:01] Camille
J'ai beaucoup aimé ce premier tome, j'espère que le planning de sorties sera respecté.
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